Foundation Entertainment is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)(3) organization that delivers positive cultural impact through high-quality television programming. By producing, distributing and promoting entertainment options that support families, emphasize education and champion character development, we aim to make a measurable difference in the moral consciousness of our society.

Positioned To Make The Greatest Impact

If you want to positively influence our society, you need to be able to reach people. We believe that the most effective way to do this today is through broadcast family entertainment. Foundation Entertainment is focused on bringing better options to families through five primary areas:

Program Funding
Providing financial resources to studios, production companies, distribution outlets and other organizations working to develop values-driven content within the mainstream media.

Organization Partnership
Assisting with the fundraising and promotional efforts of groups and organizations that share an affinity for great family entertainment.

Media Research
Leading the industry with current and relevant research on entertainment, its trends, and its affect on society.

Awareness Marketing
Raising attention for entertainment properties and the companies that develop them in an effort to generate increased demand for values-rich entertainment.

Talent Development
Pairing writers, directors, producers and actors who desire to create family entertainment with great value-rich programming opportunities through grants, publicity and mentorship programs.